Jon Johnson File Photo/Gila Herald: The Thatcher versus Safford rivalry matchup had few fans in attendance. The AIA announced Thursday that it will begin to allow up to two parents or guardians per student-athlete will be allowed to attend away games starting Monday, Feb. 8.
Change in policy to start Monday, February 8
By Jon Johnson
PHOENIX – The Arizona Interscholastic Association Executive Board announced Thursday that – due to improving COVID-19 metrics – up to two parents or legal guardians may attend their student-athletes’ away games as allowed by the school and county guidelines.
Schools will be allowed to begin the change in protocol starting Monday, Feb. 8. Masks must still be worn by all participants and attendees, and social distancing requirements will be the same. It will be at the home-team schools’ discretion to allow parent or guardian spectators at the events.
On Jan. 12, the board reversed a previous decision to cancel winter sports with the caveat that masks be worn by all – even those who are playing on the court, mat, or field – and no fans were to be allowed with the exception of only two parents (or guardians) per athlete per home team if state and local guidelines permit the attendance number. The new announcement will allow parents to attend away contests.